I lost 100 Pounds
This is probably going to be the hardest blog I write! Because I am truly still finding that out!
But, I think I can pull something together! I’m 26 years old, live in Wisconsin, am engaged, have no children and we have a beautiful golden doodle Codak! My fiancé and I are both entrepreneurs however, right now I still work my nine-to-five as well!
Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let's get into why ya here!
I am Tiasja, the girl who was 347 pounds just last year and is now 223 pounds! Yes, yes you read that right! I’ve lost over 100 pounds and my life boy my life is nowhere near where I expected it to be after VSG!
Yup, I said it! It has been such a roller coaster of events happening in my life, that a year ago you couldn’t pay me to think would be the case
So what does that mean?
It means that … when I lost the weight, I lost every bit of who I thought I was! Literally!
It seems like when I started to shed the weight, I started to uncover my harsh realities! The versions of me I hid behind the food!
It's like God showed me who I was, why I couldn’t be that person and now he’s showing me who I am supposed to be!
It's like this entire journey is centered on me uncovering the shittiest parts of myself. Like the fact that I lack patience, or the fact that I am a tad bit self-centered. The biggest one to me, is that I lack so much confidence and discipline it's crazy!
You see, I thought that after having this surgery I would be the poster girl, you know the one who wakes up drinks her gallon of water, goes to the gym faithfully and goes viral on TikTok! But boy was I wrong!
I found out quickly that I lack so much discipline and confidence to the point I would start to self-sabotage myself into thinking I wasn’t deserving of that type of lifestyle!
That’s partly why I am starting this blog site because I need accountability partners real bad! I need to prove to myself that I have what it takes to be THAT GIRL! That everything I set my mind to, I can do it! That I can let go of my nine-to-five and have a successful business!
No more running from who I know I am supposed to be! The life I know I’m supposed to have. I have spent most of my adult life running from my purpose. That’s ways too draining now.
I get asked “how does it feel” so much and to be honest, I don’t know yet! Give me six months and maybe i'll have an answer!
What I feel now is I’m just here … Doing my best the hear God and his plan for my life!
When I lost the weight, I lost every bit of who I thought I was! Literally!...
Everything that I thought was for me, he has done away with it! “OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!”, is what I imagine God saying as he’s taking things and people away!
During this year, a five-year relationship ended! I thought that man was the love of my life. Before God started to give me the clarity I truly couldn’t see my life without him in it. I had given him soooooooo much of me that I didn’t even know who “me” was anymore.
Every decision I made, the way I walked, talked, and thought was catered toward pleasing him! But he was stripping me of everything!
But we won’t get too deep into that just yet, that story needs a blog of its own! Truly!
I thought my life was over once we decided it was over between us, but honestly, it has just begun.
Little did I know.
It is just starting! I am now happily engaged to my soon-to-be wife! My best friend! I’m gaining so much clarity, truly …
No more holding on to things that aren’t aligned with GOD'S PLAN FOR ME!

But truly this journey is so crazy, I’ve cried so much, given myself pep talks, I’ve felt like my world was over on so many occasions!
I'm just now starting to realize that it's all growing pains!!
Change isn’t easy, it for damn sure ain't glamorous, but once you look back over all he’s brought you through!
LOL, no but fr, but you’ll find yourself thanking God for getting you through it!
Enough about me though .. for now!
I invite you all on this journey with me, grow with me, laugh with me, cry with me (it's going to be a lot of that), but more importantly, let's invite the real. No more hiding behind social media!
Before I let you go, here are some of my goals out loud:
- I want to lose 20 more pounds before my birthday (Dec 16th)
- I would like to push myself to upload a blog post a week
- I would like to consistently work out three days a week and post my workouts on TikTok.
- I would like to reach my water and protein goals each day!
- And I would like to pray more, right when I wake up and go to sleep; every day too!
Now that you know mine, what are some of yours?